Genre generators are everywhere. Either online or in real life. Anything you can think of is in some way a genre. Having access to different resources can help you find different genre generators. Genre generator can consist of memes to story generators. The first genre generator is a comic strip website. Comics now in days don't really target the current teenage age group but, they target our parents. We usually don't find comic humor funny but corny. Our parents on the other hand find comic humor entertaining and funny. As one comic strip consist of a guy named Skip who has bad dreams and urinates himself in bed. This comic does show parent humor or humor that targets younger kids as well. Comic strips can also be political. For example, on the website is a short comic strip about President Bush. The one character comes in saying that Bush won the Presidency. The other character comes in not knowing what to say but they both end up making it sound like they don't like th...